Cherry On Tech

Tech Dictionary

This is our take on a dictionary/glossary of tech terms. It's a little different because we try to provide perspectives on each term.

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Choose a word below that needs a definition or a perspective. Then read our Contributing HowTo to get started!

3-click Rule

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5 Planes

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60-30-10 Rule

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80/20 Rule

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replace with with your own definition


replace with with your own definition


replace with with your own definition


replace with with your own definition


replace with with your own definition


replace with with your own definition


replace with with your own definition

Brand Book

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As a New UX wanna be designer, "burnout" means I've been on the computer for the past 365 days!.


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Call to Action (CTA)

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Card Sorting

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Color Contrast

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Color Wheel

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Command Line Application (CLI)

Computer programs with a text interface, which you usually run directly from your terminal.


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Context of Use Analysis

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Conversion Rate

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Corporate Identity Guideline

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Crazy 8s

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Customer Experience (CX)

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Customer Journey Map (CJM)

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Data Science

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Data sets

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Design Debt

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Design Thinking

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Diary Study

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As a Web Developer, "div" means a div is a container that holds content.


An affliction characterized by the excessive use of the <div> tag when creating html. This can make the html mark-up confusing to work with, especially as you begin to nest divs inside other divs. Divitis can be treated effectively by looking up the concept of "Semantic html"

Dots Per Inch (DPI)

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Empathy Map

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End User

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End Users

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end-to-end test (e2e)

Testing the complete flow/application of a system

Error prevention

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Example Phrase

This is an example definition.

As a example giver, "Example Phrase" means a thing that clarifies or gives meaning to another concept.

Eye Tracking

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F-Shaped Pattern

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Fishbone Diagram

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Fitts’ Law

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Flat Design

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Intentional placeholder often used in computer progamming.


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Gestalt Principles

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Git is a distributed version control system used for tracking changes in source code during software development. Git allows a coding team to coordinate their work by allowing individuals to branch the source code and merge changes back in using commits. Code changes are documented and tracked which allows the users to colectively review the work of their team to ensure consistency, as well as the option to revert the code base back to a previous state if any issues arrise

As a A British Citizen, "git" means an unpleasant or contemptible person e.g. "He's a right git".

Golden Ratio

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Graphical User Interface (GUI)

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Grid System

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Heat Map

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Heat Maps

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Hero Page

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Heuristic evaluation

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Human-Computer Interaction

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Hybrid App

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Information Architecture

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Interaction Design

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IP Address

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Lean UX

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Material Design

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Mental Model

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Mobile Web

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Pairing Development/Pairing Programming

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pull request (PR)

As a software engineer, "pull request (PR)" means others can review and approve my code changes before I merge them.


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replace with with your own definition


replace with with your own definition


replace with with your own definition


replace with with your own definition


replace with with your own definition


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semantic versioning

As a software engineer, "semantic versioning" means a standardized format for me to follow when publishing new versions of software libraries, frameworks, or products..


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Site map

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Sticker Driven Developer

This is a bit of a fun joke - Cherry on Tech loves stickers, so we consider ourselves sticker-driven!


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Task Analysis

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Tech squad

As a member, "Tech squad" means a group that closely supports each other in their careers.

Technical Debt

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Too long; didn't read (abbreviated TL;DR and tl;dr) is a shorthand notation added by an editor indicating that a passage appears too long to invest the time to digest it.

UI Element

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UI Pattern

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Unit Testing

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Usability Testing

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User Engagement

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User Experience (UX)

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User Flow

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User Interface

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User Journey Maps

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User Research

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User Scenario

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User Stories

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User-Centered Design

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Vertical Rhythm

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Visibility of system status

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White space

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Whiteboard Interview

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